
Personal website.


During my internship at 9to5 software, I developed a smart travel system using Elixir, Phoenix, LangChain, GPT-4, and TripAdvisor. This system understands user preferences and uses them to generate tailored itineraries, simplifying the vacation planning experience for users.


A personal Discord bot for a server I'm in.

Nerves - Morse Code Signaler

A Nerves project running on a Raspberry Pi. It uses either the onboard LEDs or an external circuit to signal text in morse code.


A simple learning exercise where I practiced OTP. A GenServer periodically fetches data, and on a set timeout is forced to crash. A supervisor will then restart the GenServer and collect whatever data the GenServer fetched before it crashed as to not lose the state.


A Go project to automatically generate random art by combining a collection of assets.


An open-source Android application capable of generating EPC069-12 QR codes, facilitating electronic transactions for small businesses that do not accept card payments.